Feature Overview
This feature allows admin users to configure and set new custom roles for users in Nexl, allowing them to assign permissions and capabilities more accurately based on the needs of users' roles.
Configuring Custom User Roles in the Admin Panel
Go to the Admin menu and select User Management
Navigate to the user management section.
Go to the Roles tab
Click + ADD ROLE
Choose the Base Role based on which the new custom role will be created. The custom role will inherit all the permissions of the base role. For now, only Individual Lawyer role can be selected as the Base Role. Provide a name and description for the role and click Save.
Enable or disable access to specific features and save the changes.
Then on the User tab, you will be able to assign this role to individual users.
Tips for Efficiency
Regularly review and update custom roles based on user requirements and organizational changes.
Permissions & Access
Admin Users will have access to this feature through User Management.