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πŸŽ₯ Workspace Lists

Navigating company lists, contact lists, and generic lists within Workspaces

Gillian Hood avatar
Written by Gillian Hood
Updated over 2 months ago


This is the final video in our workspace foundation course, thank you for your patience, I know we've been through a lot together but I trust it will all pay off. We've kept the best for last in this final section.
At the heart of nearly every growth workspace, you'll find lists. Lots of them. In workspaces, we keep track of all sorts of information in various lists. Whether it's to identify our current key clients, create an invitation list, or build a database of new leads, we rely on lists for nearly everything.
Join me for a deep dive into the different types of Workspace lists and how you can use them to your benefit.

Creating Workspace Lists

In the example workspace we've been using, you might've noticed that beyond our four default tabs - overview, tasks, opportunities, and documents - there are a number of additional tabs that have been added. These are custom workspace lists, the heart of Nexl workspaces!
You can create an additional Tab by clicking on the plus sign at the far right of your existing tabs. From there, you can select one of the four options that appear: Contact List, Company List, Generic List, or URL embed.
The first three options are all workspace lists: we have contact lists for people, company lists for organizations, and generic workspace lists for complete flexibility. The fourth option allows you to add a new tab where you can embed a URL or iFrame.
Let's go through some examples of these different list types.

Contact Lists

Contact lists, as the name suggests, will hold contacts that already live on Nexl. In this example, we'll look at a Contact list for a breakfast briefing on sustainable finance for selected client contacts. This Workspace Contact list will be very helpful in managing that event.
You can add contacts one by one, using the add button, or you can add them from your personal Contacts, or the All Contacts section in Nexl. Select the contacts you want to copy into your Workspace List, click on the "Add to List" link, and search for your Workspace list in the drop-down menu.
When adding contacts to a Workspace list, you are able to expose nearly all of the data we hold on those contacts. Some of the fields will show by default, for others you may need to select them in the sub-menu all the way on the right.
Nexl uses the power of AG Grid, a feature-rich data grid that will allow users to slice and dice the information any way they want. You can sort, group, filter, and select on all columns in your list.
Nexl even allows you to create custom columns with a broad spectrum of file types to allow you to build any list you can possibly imagine. You can add fields for currency or data, or add look-up fields for contacts, companies, or the lawyers and employees of the firm.
You can also create your own select or multi-select fields where you can enter the values that you need to manage your list. In this table for instance, we could add an additional multi-select field to indicate the legal area of interest of our breakfast briefing invitees. We simply click on the create column option, choose the multi-select field and add the values we want to show.
Or we can decide to assign every attendee to one of the partners of the Firm. Here we will use the Employees look-up field to add an additional column for the Relationship Partner.
You can edit the rows inline, or even bulk edit the contacts in your list.

Company Lists

Company lists work very much the same way. As with the contact lists, nexl will show a couple of standard fields, such as the location, the number of contacts we have in a company, the company type, and detailed engagement information. But with the "column" sub-menu, you can expose a whole range of data points Nexl holds on those particular companies.
One of the great benefits of Nexl workspace lists, is the fact that you can always pull up contact and company records from within your workspace list. So no more flat excel spreadsheets with disjointed and fragmented information, instead you can have a 360-degree view of every company or contact in your Workspace.
In a company list, for instance, you can open up any Company to view which contacts the Firm has in that particular organization, who knows who, any open opportunities, related documents, notes, or tasks.
And there are additional functionalities: for example, in workspace lists you can create reminders against date fields in a particular list. Here for instance we could set a reminder to reach out to certain companies we haven't spoken to in the last 30 days.
You can also import spreadsheets directly into workspace lists whether it's a company or a contact list, with an effective and user-friendly Import function. Lots to explore and discover!

Generic Lists

In generic lists, you are able to build a workspace list from scratch entirely. You don't need to pull in any information from existing Nexl data, but you can choose which fields to include, and which custom values to add. The only limit is your imagination!
In our sustainable financing example, we have an itemized cost list that consists entirely of custom-built fields. It's like the Swiss army knife of workspace lists!!
Finally, we are also able to add tabs to your workspace that can contain information from other places outside. we can include third-party websites, or even Power BI reports.


Congratulations on making it through the course! I hope this was a helpful introduction to Nexl workspaces. As always, feel free to reach out to our Client Services team if you have any questions or need additional support. See you in Nexl!

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