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🎥 Setting SMART Objectives

Creating, viewing, and tracking Objectives in Nexl

Gillian Hood avatar
Written by Gillian Hood
Updated over 3 weeks ago


In this video, we'll talk about your workspace goals. Objective-setting is a crucial part of any workspace. We want our team to be very clear and aligned on what we want to achieve. You can accomplish this on Nexl by defining the desired outcomes of your workspace, using SMART objectives.

SMART Objectives

If you're new to the concept of SMART objectives, the acronym refers to certain characteristics that your objectives ideally have.

For Workspaces to be successful, it's important to make your objectives SMART, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Nexl’s objective module, available from within every workspace, allows users to create SMART objectives. We make it easy to follow-up and evaluate your objectives, so your workspace team can celebrate what's been achieved, and knows what still needs to be done!

Creating Objectives

You'll find a workspace's objectives on the workspace overview tab. You can create as many objectives as you wish, simply by clicking on the add objective button.

You can name your objective, give it a description, and assign the objective to one or multiple people. I'll assign this one to both Mark and Steven.

Remember, SMART objectives need to be measureable - which is why Nexl objectives require a unit of measurement to track your progress. It can be a percentage, a currency figure, a certain number of clients - or you can create something totally custom, like opportunities, prospects, or leads. For custom measurements, you can control how the objective reads by selecting whether the number should come before or after the text.

Once we've defined the unit of measurement, we need to set the initial and target value. Finally, we also need to add a deadline and set the target due date for the objective. Then, just click create to add the objective to your workspace.

Tracking Progress

When managing your workspace, you'll want to meet regularly to check in, review what's been achieved, and add progress updates to your objectives.

To track your progress, click the objective you want to update. A slider window will open on the right side. Here, you can see the objective's title and description, links to the workspaces it's associated with, the owners of the objective, and a chart showing your progress so far.

All the way at the bottom, you'll see an option to add a progress update. You can add as many updates as you want. In the pop-up form, users can update the value of the unit of measurement, provide a corresponding description, as well as the check-in date at which the objective was updated.

With each progress update, the objective's pie chart will update automatically to reflect the percentage of your progress toward your goal. This makes it very easy to see the current status of all the objectives in your workspace!

My Objectives

As with tasks, the objectives in your workspaces will automatically be added to an individual users' list of personal objectives. You'll find this list of objectives under the productivity section as well. Here, you can also create objectives that aren't related to a specific workspace.

In your personal list of objectives, you'll see all the objectives assigned to you, including both workspace-based objectives and standalone objectives. You can also edit, delete or provide progress updates for your objectives from this section.

And that's a wrap on how to use objectives. See you in the next video!

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